Mon - Sat: 7:00 - 17:00
+ 356 2705 9077

Navigation System


Navigation system

Marsol Ltd. is a marine services company that offers a comprehensive Navigation system service designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of marine operations. Their Navigation system service includes the installation, maintenance, and repair of various navigation equipment that ensures a smooth and secure voyage.


The company utilizes advanced AIS systems that provide real-time vessel tracking and identification. This system enables the company to monitor the position and movements of vessels in real-time, helping to avoid potential collisions and other navigational hazards.

In addition, Marsol Ltd. employs state-of-the-art cameras and night vision systems to enhance situational awareness and improve navigational safety during low light or night-time conditions. The company also installs and maintains precise compasses and GPS systems to ensure accurate positioning and course plotting.

What we do
  • AIS systems
  • Cameras and night vision
  • Compasses
  • GPS
  • (track plotter – fish finder – Chart plotters)
  • Radars
  • Instruments
  • Autopilots
  • Marine monitors